The Knights of Columbus is open to all Catholic men over the age of 18. The mission of the KC’s is to serve our parish and community.
The Knight of Columbus meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month - rosary at 6:40pm and the business meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Fill out the interest form below and one of our members will contact you to answer any questions you have and let you know how to join us.
Curt Marshall, Grand Knight
Michael Baughman, Deputy Grand Knight
Joe Sykora, Financial Secretary
Chris Holm, Treasurer
Fred Mitzel, Recorder
Fred Mitzel, Program Director
Joe Zubrod, Warden
Paul Metcalf, Trustee
Larry Leier, Trustee
Deacon Joe Leitner, Trustee
Very Reverand Paul Duchschere, Chaplain
Calvin Leyendecker, District Deputy